Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Promised Pictures

The long awaited DC picture post! Some of you may have forgotten, but everyone likes to check out the cohort blog and always hopes there is something new. As I have fallen behind on my promised post of the graduation awards, I hope this post will hold me over and gain me some more time and forgiveness for not getting the other one up.  Here are some pictures in no particular order

Ahh, the Beautiful Capitol Building. The main reason for the trip out to our Nation's Capitol. We saw beautiful sights like this.

And did awesome things like this. Yes, Alisha and I are experts in advocacy and we rocked this visit!

And played with Camille and walked all over the city (or what it seemed after hunting for a nonexistent Moroccan restaurant for hours).

And saw more awesome exhibits like this. Isn't natural history fun!?!

All that touring made us hungry for some famous Eastern Market breakfast

Then onto the conference for some learning and presenting

And maybe some of this happened

And WAY too much of this

Not enough of this

Some of this (always time for picture taking in DC--and don't be fooled, it wasn't as cold as it looks)

A little of this. Alisha presented at PAHO her preliminary findings from her fieldwork/project she worked on last summer in Ecuador. I was there as a support and to make sure PAHO remembered me.

And there was a whole lot of this: Alisha and Brea time! You guys need to go on more trips with us, we're a blast!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the slide show. I think this was the last "cohort" trip we'll be taking. It was fun and we missed ALL of you!


  1. Thanks Brea. That brings back a lot of good memories from last year.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
