Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cohort Where Are You?

Dear Cohort 7,
Where did everyone go? What happened to the updates? Where is everyone... I am getting lonely out here in cyberspace.

Quick update from the Prairie
What is happening in dallas? Hm... not much. It is SO hot here, and it has been raining for about a week straight (by rain i mean torrential downpour) but today we had sun!!!!!!! I am still working at my lovely advertising job. I miss saving the world (really I miss it every day) but I am spreading public health information one coworker at a time. So far we have covered women's health (everything from birth control to menopause) and hand washing. By the time I leave this job I think people will be a little better informed. Other than that nothing too exciting... our kitten is still cute, she sleeps in the sink which is strange but a little bit endearing, and she likes to take showers (I know I got a defective one).

Other than those two exciting things I miss you guys, how is life? How was the move camille, brea, and mark? getting ready to move hunters, eli, alisha, john, and lauren? what is this about grad school liz? how is married life alina? where are you headed pete? did I miss anyone? How is life cohort 7, is there still life out there?

1 comment:

  1. Here is a rough translation: "People are like fractions. Their true abilities are the numerator and what they think of themselves is the denominator. The larger the denominator, the smaller the value of the fraction."

    P.S. Don't click on the dots after the Chinese comment. An undesirable web page awaits.
