Monday, October 4, 2010

Ultrasound News!!!

So, I've got news... ;)

We had our ultrasound today for Baby 2. ...And...

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

Everything looks great. We've posted some pictures on our personal blog, including some 3-D shots of baby's face. Due date is still looking like February 28th. We're totally shocked, extremely excited, a little bit terrified, and we have NO idea what we're gonna name her! From talking to family, it's clear we're about to be inundated with dresses, frills, and lots of pink. Hmmm...

School is picking up. The first couple of weeks I was starting to wonder what I got myself into being 2,200 miles from my family, but we're really liking it here. The ward's great (Dr Cole's wife is in the ward, so I saw him at Church a week ago). I volunteer at NIEHS 10 hours a week with my mentor from a year ago and I've started a new project on occupational lead exposure and Parkinson's disease that might lead to a dissertation. It's great because it's both environmental and neuro, which is what I was hoping for. I've also met some LDS epidemiologists in the program (I think there's 6 or 7 of us) and Annah Layman (for those of you who knew her) is one of the TAs for one of my classes.

Probably the most surprising thing so far is that I'm in a reproductive, perinatal, and pediatric epidemiology class. At the beginning of the semester I had to laugh because the teacher held up another reproductive epidemiology book that we weren't going to be using for our class but that could act as another reference. The funny part was it was Dr Merrill's book that we all had to write those reports for when we took epidemiology 2 years ago. The class is awkward though because there are 29 girls and me...One of the girls might have checked my ring finger the other day...yeah...weird... But it's not really that bad because we're focusing on how to measure things as opposed to promoting, say, birth control methods. Numbers I can do.

Well that's about it for now. I'm excited to hear what Eli and MaryAnne are going to have, and to hear how everyone else is doing.


  1. Woohoo! So excited for you guys. Life sounds like it's going well and I'm thrilled for you. Keep the updates coming!

  2. That's so fun! Congratulations! Girls are all kinds of fun!
