Friday, April 2, 2010

My Two Cents

First off I just want to say how much I love hearing about what everyone is doing and where everyone is heading! I love the blog! So although I don't have much going on, I thought I'd take my turn and post my update.

First off, married life is fantastic! Aaron and I are all settled into life here and enjoying every moment of Baltimroe before we uproot and move back to Utah at the end of June, and we are trying to make the most of living out East. Aaron had Spring Break a couple of weeks ago, so we took a road trip up through PA and on to Palmyra and then Kirtland. It was a lot of fun (I'll post more about that and pictures on our personal blog soon). I am so sad that a lof of you are getting ready to leave as we are getting ready to come back. :(

I am working at the Institute for Global Tobacco Control within the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. I really love working here, especially when I get to work on something substantial. it's hard only being here for 6 months. I feel like there's so much more I could contribute, but they don't really want me to delve deeply into something I'd just have to turn over to someone else in a few months. i totally understand, but I feel bad at the same time.

The last few days I have been working on a project in India. One of my coworkers is in India coordinating the collection of GPS and other data on tobacco sales around schools. I have created all of the maps for the field workers to use to know where to go to locate the vendors. I have also been plotting the GPS data they they have returned and creating maps showing different characteristics of the vendors. It's been fun to use GIS again - I know it's totally nerdy, but I forgot how much I really enjoy it!

What I'm not enjoying is looking for a new job! :( I know Ashley and Brea (and many more of you) can commiserate with me on this one. I'm sure it will all work out though. But if you hear of anything good in the Salt Lake/Utah County area let me know! :) I'm a little jealous of all of you heading back to school - just a little though.

I am so excited to see you all in a few short weeks! Hooray for graduation! And congrats to all who through much toil and stress have passed and/or scheduled their defense! Good luck to those still burning the midnight oil. YOU CAN DO IT!!

Miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Just a thought about the job hunt. I'm leaving the Environmental Epidemiology Program at the Utah Department of Health in the middle of August. Eli is probably leaving around the same time or earlier. Another girl, Julia Shumway, is leaving about the same time to get an MPH (maybe at BYU). My position and Eli's position are as epidemiologists while Julia's is as a health program specialist. With your experience in SAS, ArcMap, and epidemiology (and with NCI and Johns Hopkins on your resume), I can almost guarantee you a job in EEP if you want one (and we'll recommend you). This is obviously a little ways off, but I like the people, the work is varied, you'll get to work on some projects that will turn into publications (ask me about this at graduation), and the benefits are great. I'm not sure if you would be interested, but I thought I would throw that out there.
