Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lunch update... how is it only 12:17

So how is everyone doing? I hope that you are all doing FANTASTIC- it sounds like John is doing great, MaryAnne also sounds like she is doing great… the rest of you… well I have no comment on that (frown smile (if you read seriously so blessed this makes sense). so I thought it would give an update about what is happening here in NYC… pretty much nothing. I am having a really hard time focusing…which is why I am posting on this blog instead of… well anyway. So I have 5 days left of my internship (my little brother is coming tomorrow so I am taking a few days off).. and I am pretty excited to be done- not that CDF isn’t great, but 15 weeks is awhile and I am ready to go home. I haven’t ranted about NYC in awhile and I am sure that you are all feeling deprived . so here goes.
Well this is less of a rant and more of an update. Last week my little sister was in town (which was really fun), we went all over the city - we visted.. basically everything. One day we decided to walk from the staten island ferry (bottom of Manhattan)to central park- that is more than 60 blocks… let’s just say by the end we were pretty tired and grumpy. We also got confused for twins the whole week, which made Emily mad since there is a 7 year difference between us, she kept thinking everyone thought she was old… not sure what to think of that but not dwelling on it. We tried the best sandwich on the planet while she was here… it’s called the bomb, it looks like the deli exploded… it has basically every type of cold cut known to man, I thought I was going to hate it since sandwiches aren’t my thing, and I was a little concerned about the baloney looking meat on there, but it was amazing, and it had something nasty like liverwurst (which the deli does sell) there were too many other things to notice. Hm…. so we are learning to put up with New Yorkers (which means it is time to go) the other day we went to a diner in our neighborhood (one of the few things I will miss about NYC) and our waiter ate his dinner and left, before bringing us our food- 3 weeks ago I would have been outraged, this time I didn’t even notice… time to leave.
Oh yes and the biggest update of all… I think I am going to get malaria. I know I mentioned this before but seriously there are millions of bugs here. My arms and legs look I got some weird type of pox… they are purple and blotchy, someone really should have warned me about this.
I’m not sure how Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey lived in the city without dying of a tropical illness but I am grateful my days are numbered!.

*did anyone notice we reached 100 posts! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for days that seem like they last forever! Thanks for the update. I'm glad that we're getting all these Friends myths busted ...we'll have to look for an episode like "The one with a million bug bites" of "The one where Joey gets malaria." :)
    Did I miss a couple posts? I thought we were only at 97, but I am a little slow sometimes.
