Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Greetings from the Lonestar State!

I got Camille's email and I have to admit, I felt a little bit guilty, I check the blog but havent updated (although on a totally separate note I have updated my blog ( so feel free to check there for updates. So just a quick run down of what has been happening here in the lonestar state.

We celebrated christmas on the 27th, Brian got me this amazing set of pans (it turns out hinting and posting the picture, item number, where to get it, and price on the fridge works) so I have been cooking like crazy. I have recently entered into the world of deep frying, I figure I am southern now might as well try it, and it has been fabulous. So far I have only made doughnuts and boneless buffalo chicken but I feel like I am getting the hang of it. Anyway I have cooked healthy things with my new pots but that is pretty much the highlight of my christmas season- yes I realize I am lame and I do need a life.

We went to the dentist the next week, it was horrific, I hate the dentist, there is too much touching. Anyway I got the good news that I needed to get my wisdom teeth out, and as an added bonus since the roots were so far in the nerve canal I had to be put all the way under since they thought i would move (not in the "twilight sleep" all the way under like when they do real surgery). So after that lovely bit of news we headed to Oklahoma City to see our friends from Provo, as a consolation to the fact that my jaw was going to be cracked, and that Brian was going to have to listen to me complain about it.

We went to the oral surgeon on the 6th, he cracked my jaw (literally), but I survived and went home to heal. Just in case you needed more details about this I did post on my blog. So I looked like a chipmunk for a week, but now the swelling has gone down and i just have massive green bruises all over my face- which is kinda an issue.

What else has happened.... well I have been "working" on my project lately. I would like to finish it but I have no motivation so that is an issue, but hopefully keep your fingers crossed, there will be a draft done in the next week or so. what else... my little brother leaves on his mission today that is kinda exciting, and oh yeah we bought a car on saturday- not exciting and expensive. Other than that life out here in texas is good- a little lonely without all of you guys, but still good.

Oh yeah on a totally side note, I tried to plant some flowers in my front yard yesterday and the ground was frozen, I thought I was going to break my little shovel. What is wrong with the weather, why is the ground frozen in TEXAS! I thought it was supposed to be warm here!

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