Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cohort Bonding Warning and Picture Sharing

Dear Cohort 7,
We need to chat about a few things, first cohort bonding. People what is happening with this? It seems that cohort bonding has fallen by the wayside! I am shocked and appalled! What happened to our lovely little group, where has everyone gone! Anyway enough chastisement, I am warning you all now that there will be mandatory cohort bonding the week of graduation. I have gotten quite a few responses about graduation plans so far, based on what I have heard Thursday is going to be bonding day, I think almost everyone is free that day and we want to have as many people there as possible. The PPC will be in charge of activities for that day so come prepared it is going to be awesome- lots of food, laughing, ridiculous comments (pete we are counting on you), pictures, and maybe even a tear or two! Let us know if you wont be able to make it, we will miss you but understand sometimes you cant make it. As soon as we have more information about the times we will be sure to post it, email it, etc- you will all be fairly warned of the date and time.

Okay second topic- cohort picture sharing. Brea set up an email account and online album for all of us to upload photos to... but no one has really done it. I havent done it either to be honest, not to nag (although I hear I am great at it) but we need to get this done! It will be so sad if we graduate without getting around to this. So let's impose some deadlines... I know we all function with those. Let's try to get everything uploaded by Monday, April 12th. I will send out a reminder or 4000 before the day so we can get that take in care of before project defenses and graduation.

I think that is all I have... sorry for the annoying post!

I'm excited to see you all (whether you are excited to see me or not)

Ashley Suker, MPH (can I actually sign it MPH, i mean technically the degree hasnt been granted yet... well lets pretend)

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