Thursday, June 11, 2009

Conversations on the Beach

I promised Camille I would post my conversation I had with a Bajan (Barbadian) guy on the beach last Saturday as I was laying out. I figured that you would all enjoy it, so here it goes...

"Hi darlin'."
"Are you enjoying yourself today?"
"Yes, I am. Thanks."
"First time to the islands?"
"Are you from Sweden?"
"Are you from Germany?"
"Are you from Holland?"
"Where are you from?" (it would have been easier to ask that right off)
"The US."
"Oh, you're an American girl."
"What are you doin' here? Vacation?"
"No, I'm working."
"Why don't you go for a swim, you look hot?"
"I will, but I'm kinda tired. It feels good just to lie here."
"Why you be tired? You be out partying last night?"
"Nah, you be partyin'"
"No, I don't party."
"For real??"
"So you don't drink?"
"You don't smoke?"
"Why not??"
"Cause I don't want to. It's not good for you. It's bad for your health." (even promoting public health on the beach)
"Well I don't smoke, but I'm a social drinker, I like my beer." (and then named some variety)
"Oh, well I wouldn't know."
"You don't...girl, you are the craziest girl I've met. But whatevah, you can do what you like. Do you want me to introduce you to some guys? You want a Bajan boyfriend to keep you company?"
"No, I'm good, thanks."
"You sure? I know of some, and I'm not talking for myself...but I know lots of guys."
"Uh, I have an American boyfriend."
"Girl, that's ok. I understand. But he's not here. How long you here for?"
"2 months."
"That's a long time. What are you going to do?"
"Well I'm working and coming here to the beach."
"No, I mean that's a long time to go..."
"Uh, like I said, I have plenty to do."
"No, that's not what I mean. I mean that's a long time go know...I mean sexual."
"Oh, well, I don't do that either."
"Yeah, I'm not into that."
"Girl, you really are crazy, but you can do what you like. If you want a Bajan boyfriend, just let me know."

So there's the conversation. I might have left out some, but that's the jist of it. It was pretty funny to see his reaction when I told him all the things I didn't do. Just to see how strange it was for this guy that I didn't want to party or find a Bajan boyfriend, I read today in a report that in the Caribbean over 64% of males between the ages of 15-17 are sexual active and the number is not that much lower for females. Also, the Caribbean has the highest HIV/AIDS rate in the world, outside of Sub Saharan Africa. Wow, lots of issues to tackle there. Our work is never done.

I'll let you know of any more fun beach conversations I have.


  1. please dont get a bajan boyfriend- if you change your mind though and want one in the states I know a neighborhood in brooklyn where you can find one.

  2. Ha ha. Brea that was insane...thanks for sharing. Good luck beating off all the potential Bajan boyfriends!
