Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Something Not Quite Right With the World

Something is not quite right with the world, what you ask? Well lots of things but I am only addressing one issue (on this blog). So an explanation. I am part of a "health policy" team at CDF. We have two lawyers (preceptors) one law student/MSSW, one teach for america teacher, and me- the lonely MPH student. Obviously there are quite a few skill sets in that bunch and out of the 5 of us I am the only one that can use excel... so I have become the data person... do you see a problem with this? Granted the data is nothing like the data John and Camille are dealing with but hm.... not sure how reliable our results are going to be. Okay i am being dramatic, and I did change things so now I am 100% sure I can handle producing the results they want,  I am just making graphs- no stats thank goodness, and yes pete my color scheme skills are coming in handy here, you think the graph we made for Mike's policy analysis was snazzy now my stylish graphs are getting published who knew I had an eye for matching... no one, maybe I should thank Dr. Merrill for those skills I worked on for his data project... 

Oh yes and the most exciting news of the day- our kitchen flooded yesterday- that is the story you really want to hear but sadly I posted it on my blog. 

Oh yeah and our other exciting news (yeah you keep thinking it is something more exciting than it actually is) we went to church on sunday and we met another BYU intern couple! Yay for provo people!

PS John thanks a million for your help- I used your spreadsheet and went and explained it to my preceptor and she looked at me then at the spreadsheet and then we decided to change things so lawyers can understand them- hence the pretty graphs and no stats. 


  1. Sad that you had to dumb down a spreadsheet for a lawyer. Maybe I should go to law school...

  2. No problem. If you do decide to go back to the stats, you've got my email.
