Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hey, work isn't half bad!

7 days of fieldwork left and I'm just starting to enjoy myself. Today was a great day of work. I felt productive, interested, and didn't want to poke my eyes out. Success! I finished a survey weeks ago and found out that PAHO only distributed it a week ago. Well time is running out, so we decided to go ahead and do the follow up interviews regardless of survey completion. I spent a few hours this morning doing phone interviews with the focal points of Antigua & Barbuda and Grenada (island countries). I was super nervous at first because I didn't think I knew enough about the project or that my survey wouldn't be clear, but no worries, all went well. My advisor walked out and I was left to my own devices. We even successfully recorded the interviews (and I can understand everything clearly, accents and all). The only down side is that it's an old school recorder with a tape, so I can't use any transcription software. But I've never been so excited to transcribe, it will keep me busy! I'll keep you updated on any more fun days at work...they are numbered.

The down side of the day is that I keep finding more and more bug bites! I even have one on the bottom of my foot--how does that happen? The rainy season is in full swing, floods and bugs and all!


  1. Yea for working! I'm glad that you're actually doing more. Have fun with the transcription - although I am not envious of you having to do that! And remember to Fight the Bite! :) If you want I could try to hook you up with my malaria pills supplier like Ashley... :)

  2. I got tons of bug bites here too, especially on the bottoms of my feet, what is with that! good luck brea, get some anti itch stuff (which is basically diluted amonia and water) it will make it feel much better!

  3. i got eaten alive yesterday, so i feel for you with the itchiness. i think i´m allergic to the bugs here, too, since i get white spots around the bites. weird.
