Monday, July 20, 2009

Project worries...what if? and internships continue. I am now waiting for several things on my research: 1) universities to get on it and send me a simple list of emails of a specific group of medical students, 2) students to answer the online survey I've sent them. The problem seems to be that the universities are good about saying they're willing to help, but don't really prioritize it at all, thus, six weeks and MANY pleading emails and calls later, I'm still waiting for six universities. They also seem to have forgotten to tell the students to check their it's taking awhile to get the responses. Longer than I expected.

Now that I only have three weeks left the worrier part of me is coming out at times...what if no one answers? What other project could I do? How can I salvage this if it really does go downhill? that kind of thing. I think it will really be fine, but it's concerning. I've been doing some personal visits at the universities to try to get things moving, so that's required some traveling lately- meaning that I have some new posts on my personal blog that you can look at so i don't have to copy it all here. And that one has pictures...

1 comment:

  1. If anyone can pull it off you can! Good luck! I'm excited to hear more about your adventures! See you in a few weeks!!
