Monday, May 18, 2009

Fells Point, Baltimore

Ok I finally got out and took a couple of pictures. Two to be exact:

Fells Point: my part-time office place. It's the cream colored one behind the tree near the right hand side of the photo. You can see the Hopkins Hospital/Med School/SPH about a mile up the road in the distance (cranes for the new purple children's hospital). There is also a pirate ship that docks right here and takes little kids on excursions. From inside we can hear the kids' "Args" and "Ye mateys!" (after they put bandanas on them, they teach them how to speak). It is very cute. Nice contrast with the usual foghorn.

I walk down this alleyway to get to my car after work. Is anyone else amazed at how green it is over here?? Man, its good to get out of the desert!

Other interesting things: TONS of jaywalkers (Judy... um yeah no comment. Just make sure you stay in Denver), poison ivy everywhere, and you Priesthood holders might appreciate this: on Sunday we used up an entire 8 trays of water. Thankfully we had a ninth on hand. But that means if you add in children, we have about 400 people at sacrament meeting every week! It's quite the difference coming from Payson, where we're lucky to have 80. Woohoo go church.

Oh, and thanks for all the descriptions of yummy food. I get depressed every night when I look at what I have on my plate... I hope my wife gets here soon!

Miss you all! Keep the updates coming!

1 comment:

  1. Baltimore looks like a fun place. I can't believe you only get 80 people at church in Payson...I didn't know that situation existed in Utah. I don't blame you about being excited for your wife to get there.
