Saturday, May 16, 2009

The True Title of Our Positions at WHO

Geneva is going great so far! If anyone can actually believe it, I am not eating five guys for lunch every day (although, I wish I were). I took this picture one day at lunch to have as proof that I actually do eat healthy sometimes, and unfortunately I do nearly every day here. The salad alone costs me $8-10 every stinking day. WHO may be the world leader on public health issues, but they are by no means the world leader in making soup, that is for sure! All that aside though and we are doing pretty good here...I am now only having medium-major (instead of extreme to catastrophic) withdrawal symptoms from my dear Dr. Pepper. I have only found it once here! 

Working at WHO is cool, but can get boring pretty quickly. I have decided that our true job title is one that is best explained by a friends episode (as are most things in life). If you really would like to know what our job description actually is, it is in the small print of our terms of reference paper. But as I said above, it is also described quite well in season 6 of friends in the episode titled, "The one that could have been." It is where Chandler is going through a rough patch in life as an aspiring writer and ends up working for the successful actor Joey Tribiani (for those of you who may be confused, this episode is them looking back thinking how things could have been if they had all made a few different decisions). There is a point where Monica tells Chandler what his job "actually" is to Joey...well, that is what our job description is here at WHO. 

I really am kidding though to some extent. We have great preceptors and I am sure over the coming of weeks, they will give us more cool things to do as we become more oriented with what goes on around WHO. 

Well, I hope every is having a great time and a fun filled summer. I miss you all. 

Also, I bought my first pair of capri jeans today and a really cool v-neck t-shirt too! I am fitting in nicely around here.


  1. Please tell me you are kidding about the manpris- we can't be friends anymore if you arent- just kidding I am a little (just a little) nicer than that. And by the way I know the exact friends episode you are talking about (I know shocking) and wow that sounds... fun for you- so does your preceptor like her juice without pulp?

  2. I am very impressed you knew exactly what I was talking about! She is more of a coffee lover than orange juice. But, she does like it with extra cream!
